
Your Hypstir in the Mattress Space.

HypsterWelcome to my bedding blog. Over the years, I have been privileged to be a part of the amazing ever-changing mattress and bedding industry. I love my job. I started out in the delivery department and worked my way up through every department all the way to assistant buyer. I have a passion for helping people understand one of the most important investments they will ever make, selecting the perfect mattress.

I started this blog to share with you some of the things I have learned on my journey through the mattress industry. I will share with you sleep tips, shopping tips and even my take on some of what I feel are the best brands in the business. I still work in the retail mattress space and sell many of the products I will be discussing. This puts me in a unique position to share the latest and greatest regarding product development, new technologies and any sleep health related findings that I come across.

I would love for you to participate by rating my blog on the quality of its content. Don’t hold back. Let me know how I am doing so that I can continue to grow and develop interesting content for your enjoyment. I do not accept any endorsements from any party. I encourage comments and discussions from all parties wanting to contribute to the content of Hypstir.com. Online readers, manufacturers, retail associates, consumers etc.. are welcome to add to the vast amount of information with comments, questions and general discussion.

The large majority of content on this site is collected in person from meetings, retail environments, manufacturing facilities and focus group meetings to maintain accuracy of content. This site also allows for reviews and discussions of products and businesses not related to the bedding industry. Feel free to participate. Hypstir.com reviews companies and products that are affiliates and non-affiliates. We do not accept payment in any form to influence the content on this site. All online submissions will be reviewed and possibly edited before approval to ensure Hypstir requirements are meet. Feel free to hop in and join the fun.

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